“How do we meet the urgent need for affordable housing while retaining the healthy urban forest we need to manage the effects of climate change?”
Trees are critical to the well-being of our communities. A healthy urban forest provides valuable ecological services, mitigates effects of climate change, and is integral to our physical and mental well-being. However, the health of our regional urban forest faces complex challenges due to increased development, population pressures, and effects of a rapidly changing climate.
The Forum is an exciting opportunity for experts, elected representatives, City staff, arborists, environmental consultants, professionals, students, and members of the public throughout the Lower Mainland to continue the conversation around a shared vision and best management practices to ensure a healthy future for our regional urban forest.
The forum will host highly-regarded presenters in the fields of urban forestry, resilient and climate-just cities, natural assets management, and much more:
Guest Speakers
Erin Gorby: Manager Urban Forestry & Parks Services , City of Coquitlam AND
Karin Johnson: Sustainability Project Specialist, City of Coquitlam.
Andreanne Doyon: Director of Simon Fraser University’s Resource & Environmental Management Planning Program with expertise in urban governance, planning for resilient & climate-just cities, & sustainable housing.
Isabel Gordon: Director of Financial Services for the District of West Vancouver, with expertise on municipal natural asset valuation & management.
Brian Minter: “B.C.’s go-to gardening expert”, author, & Order of Canada recipient who has recently written about shade trees & adapting urban forests & gardens to climate change.
Doors open at 6 pm for net-working. The event is free, but donations are welcomed. TriCities Community Television will cover the event.
The Forum takes place on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem First Nation). We thank the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm who continue to live on these lands and care for them, along with the waters and all that is above and below.